Hydro Conference & Exhibition 2017 About the Event

At this year’s Scottish Renewables Hydro Conference & Exhibition, we will assess the policy landscape facing the industry today and discuss priority areas for action to ensure hydropower remains at the heart of Scotland’s energy system, delivering renewable power from the glens to the grid.

This conference will look at the following questions:

-       What role will the hydro sector play in Scotland’s future energy system?

-       What cost reduction measures are viable?

-       How can revenue streams be enhanced?

-       What are the key developments in planning, environment and regulation?

Why attend?

At this critical time for the hydro sector we bring together industry leaders and political influencers to debate and discuss, as well as presenting our work on securing a viable future for the sector.

Who should attend?

This event caters for a vast array of delegates involved in the hydro sector in Scotland. Hydro and pumped storage developers (large and small), financiers and professional services, public sector agencies, community groups, academics, as well as anyone who has a part to play in either developing new innovations for the sector or who is already part of the wider supply chain should attend