James Blyth Commemorative Reception

9 May 2024 | Marykirk

This event is now sold out. To join the waitlist, please email Ella and we will be in touch should a space become available.

Join Scottish Renewables in celebrating James Blyth, the father of wind power, in Marykirk, Aberdeenshire, on 9 May.

Blyth developed the first turbine capable of producing electricity from wind power and his home in Marykirk became the first building to be powered by wind-generated electricity in 1887. Despite this pioneering achievement, his name has not been recognised in Scotland - until now. 

This reception launches a celebration of Blyth's life, unveiling the blue plaque which Scottish Renewables has installed on his former home and an interpretation panel setting out his achievements.

The event provides a unique networking opportunity for key businesses and stakeholders in Scotland's wind energy journey. Guests will also hear speeches and view a mural produced by local children which tells the story of Blyth and his life's work at the very start of Scotland's renewable energy journey.