Acronym Cheat Sheet

As Scotland's renewable energy industry continues to grow, so too does the list of abbreviations used to reference organisations, groups, policies and technologies across the sector.

Whether you are just beginning your career journey or are looking for a helpful resource to stay on track, the below cheat sheet of commonly used industry acronyms is a good place to start.

ABS - Area Based Schemes

APPG - All Party Parliamentary Group

ASTI - Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment

BAR - Building Assessment Reports

BECCS - Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

BHA - British Hydro Association

BM - The Balancing Mechanism

BSUoS - Balancing Services Use of System Charges

CapEx - Capital expenditure

CBI - Confederation of British Industry

CCC - The Climate Change Committee

CCGT - Closed cycle gas turbine

CCS - Carbon capture and storage

CCUS - Carbon capture, usage and storage

CES - Crown Estate Scotland

CfD - Contracts for Difference

CfE - Call for Evidence

CHP - Combined heat and power

CM - Capacity Market

COP - Conference of the Parties

COSLA - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

CPO - Compulsory purchase order

CSNP - Centralised Strategic Network Plan

CSR - Comprehensive Spending Review

CWIC - Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity

DecEx - Decommissioning expenditure 

DER - Distributed energy resources

DESNZ - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

DevEx - Development expenditure

DPEA - Directorate for Planning & Environmental Appeals

DSO - Distribution System Operators

DSR - Demand side response

ECU - Energy Consents Unit (The Scottish Government)

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

EKA - Eskdalemuir

ENA - Electricity Network Association

EOI -Expression of Interest

EPCI - Engineering Procurement and Construction and Installation

ESO - Electricity System Operator

ETS - Emissions Trading Scheme

EV - Electric vehicle

EWG - Eskdalemuir Working Group

FCP - Flow Country Partnership

FES - Future Energy Scenarios

FLOWW - Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group

FOW - Floating offshore wind

FSO - Future System Operator

FWSG - Floating Wind Steering Group

GIGA - Green Industries Growth Accelerator

GVA - Gross value added

GW - Gigawatt

HEEPS - Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland

HMT - Her Majesty's Treasury

HND - Holistic Network Design

HNZ - Heat network zones

iCFD - Innovations Contracts for Difference

INTOG - Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas

IPCC - International Panel on Climate Change

IPPA - Innovation Power Purchase Agreement

ITT - Invitation to tender

LCOE - Levelised Cost of Electricity

LDP - Local Development Plan 

LHEES - Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies

LMP - Locational marginal pricing

LPA - Local planning authority

MEC - Marine Energy Council

MS - Marine Scotland

MW - Megawatt

NS - NatureScot

NGESO - National Grid Electricity System Operator

NHA - National Hydropower Association

NIC - National Infrastructure Committee

NOA - Network Options Assessment

NP - National park

NPF - National Planning Framework

NSA - National Scenic Area

NSTA - North Sea Transition Authority

NZ - Net-zero

OEM - Original equipment manufacturer

OFGEM - The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets

OFTO - Offshore transmission owner

OnWPS - Onshore wind policy statement

OpEx - Operational expenditure

OREC - Offshore Renewable Energy Coalition

OWGP - The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

OWSLG - Onshore Wind Strategic Leadership Group

PDR - Permitted development rights

PPA - Power purchase agreement

PQQ - Pre-qualification questionnaire

PSH - Pumped storage hydro

REMA - Review of electricity market arrangements

REPD - Renewable Energy Planning Database

Rfi - Request for information

RIAG - Renewables Industry Advisory Group

RIIO - Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Output

RTPI - Royal Town Planning Institute

RUK - RenewableUK

SDS - Skills Development Scotland

SEAB - Scottish Energy Advisory Board

SEG - Smart Energy Guarantee

SFF - Scottish Fishermen's Federation

SG - Scottish Government

SMEIG - Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group

SMP - Sectoral Marine Plan

SNIB - Scottish National Investment Bank

SPP - Scottish Planning Policy

SoS - Secretary of State

SOWEC - The Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council

SOWSD - Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal

SPP - Scottish planning policy

SWESS - Scottish whole energy system scenarios

SWBSG - Scottish Windfarm Bird Steering Group

SWFP - The Scottish White Fish Producers Association Ltd

TCPA - Town and Country Planning Act

TCR - Targeted Charging Review

TNUoS - Transmission Network Use of System charges

UKG - UK Government

UNESCO - The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

WHS - World Heritage Site

WLA - Wild land area

If you think we have missed an important acronym, please complete this form and we will add it to the list.