RTS Forestry
Sector(s):Bioenergy, Planning & Consents, Grid & Systems, Hydro, and Onshore Wind
RTS Forestry is the leading forestry organisation working in the renewables and grid industry for the majority of Developers and Lead Consultants. The full sphere of services are provided where projects have any contact with forestry this from Site Assessment/EIA through to integration with BOP and project delivery.
RWE Renewables
Sector(s):Bioenergy, Offshore Wind, and Onshore Wind
RWE has been a strong partner for Scotland over nearly 30 years, trailblazing both onshore and offshore wind, biomass and district heating and small scale hydropower. Through our track record of delivering renewables projects across the country, RWE hopes to continue its role as a key partner for Scotland in realising its clean energy future.