Supply Chain & Logistics Conference 2024 About the Event

The UK sits on the cusp of a golden opportunity in clean energy. There is no doubt that our future is focused on creating high-quality, sustainable jobs and producing clean power to run homes and businesses securely and affordably.

As the volume and size of blades, nacelles, towers and topsides snaking their way along our roads and the number of foundations being marshalled along our coastlines increases, a carefully choreographed supply chain is more essential than ever.

Our Supply Chain & Logistics Conference 2024 brings together those working both on land and at sea to transport the components, crew, equipment and supplies from our ports and harbours to deliver the projects we need to transition to a green energy future. Our Meet-the-Buyer Meetings will also give the supply chain an opportunity to attend one-to-one appointments with procurement teams to unearth the opportunities that lie ahead.

Join us to hear from leading industry speakers and unpack the ever-changing demands – as well as the opportunities at play – as we transform the transportation, installation and operations activities of the renewable energy projects being deployed across Scotland.

Why attend?

  • Network with supply chain and industry leaders including the country’s strategic ports, key policymakers, project developers and specialist suppliers.
  • Meet-the-Buyer at our dedicated procurement meeting slots to unearth the opportunities that lie ahead as the industry optimises of the carriage of kit across our quaysides.
  • Participate in interactive panel sessions and discover the expert players handling the transportation, assembly, integration, load-in and load-out of crucial components.
  • Ask questions that matter to you and your organisation to navigate the future of sustainably hauling rapidly developing technology.

Who should attend?

This brand-new event is key date in the diary for organisations looking to ensure their renewable energy components are delivered safely and effectively and for the businesses who offer the solutions to logistics challenges. From developers, tier 1 suppliers and ports to hauliers, vessel brokers and operations and maintenance providers, this conference is an opportunity to gain insights and intelligence into the future of renewable energy logistics.

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