Investing in Renewables: The Green Finance Opportunity About the Event

Scotland and the UK have ambitious renewable energy deployment targets, but every project that exists on paper needs to secure finance to become a reality.  As we hit a crucial transition in project finance and technology development, we are facing one of the most challenging financial and economic environments ever seen in the UK, Europe and the US, as well as further afield. Navigating this successfully will unlock an industrial project pipeline and infrastructure requirement on an epic scale.

Secure your place today to engage with industry experts from the renewables, finance and investment sectors shaping the relationship between the two critical sectors driving the energy transition.

You’ll learn:

  • The latest market insights - what’s out there, where are the gaps and if we have really made the most of blending finance products
  • How the market is changing - the current picture and the extent of the recovery from the knocks of 2022/23
  • Strategic investment - enabling ahead of time investment in key infrastructure and workforce development

Why attend?

  • Network – connect in-person with industry leaders in the finance and renewables space
  • Ask – the questions that matter to you and your organisation
  • Discover – the latest trends and changes impacting your projects
  • Access – the latest thought leadership and market intelligence
  • Discounts – Scottish Renewables members enjoy exclusive discounted access to our industry-leading events.

Who should attend?

This event is a must-attend for professionals from the renewables, finance and investment sectors. An unrivalled opportunity to gain insights and intelligence on how renewables and finance can work together to secure the immense project opportunities which will enable investment and growth for the next two decades and beyond.

Sponsors & Supporters

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